Tuesday, December 6

Chloe discusses getting a Christmas tree

Chloe seemed to have a new twinkle in her eye as she now had a hope of heaven (see Dec. 3 & 4 posts). She approached Jazzy cat and asked, “Jazzy, I am so happy and I think we need to get a Christmas tree this year. Or, should it now be called a holiday tree so as to not be offensive?” I your gifted but humble Jazzy Cat thought long and hard about how to best explain to Chloe how the American culture had reached such an absurd state of denying our own heritage to pacify anyone who may disagree. I finally decided that it cannot be said any more concisely than the Apostle Paul said it in Romans 1:22. I assured Chloe that WH, DH and this blog were going to openly celebrate and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ without apology.

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