Thursday, March 2

Jazzy discusses Supreme Court Justice sleeping during session

Cuffy said, “Jazzy, I read where Supreme Court Justice Ruth Gader Ginsburg fell asleep during a Supreme Court session in which testimony was being given. It is very encouraging to see human beings make progress in adapting feline attributes. What do you think.” I, your alert and sober, Jazzy Cat, responded, “Cuffy, It is a good think she is not a conservative or a Republican appointee, because the MSM would have been up in arms. Dan Ratherlie would have expressed sincere righteous indignation and been applauded for his insightful journalism. Since she was appointed by Clinton and supported by the likes of Senator Needmo Integrity, she will get a free pass from the MSM. Can you imagine what would happen if Bush, Cheney or even a cabinet member fell asleep in an official meeting. They would be demanding resignations, hearings, and the left wing kook blogs would have a hate fest. We felines have no problem with anyone taking a little cat nap and only wish that Ms Ginsburg could sleep through all of the votes.”


moleboy said...


jazzycat said...

main stream media

moleboy said...

the tone of the remark implies you are one of those folks who considers the MSM to have a liberal bias, yes?

radar said...

I agree jazzycat. Ruth should take naps more often and embrace her feline feelings. However, she should learn to sleep more catlike and not appear as if she has passed out on the bench.

moleboy said...

personally, I think we should find her a good scratching post.

jazzycat said...

Thanks Moleboy and radar for your visits. Yes the MSM has a liberal bias (see jazzycat dec. 30 post).

Matt Menendez said...

not to be a pain or anything, but justice thomas is quite famous (in the legal community, that is) for napping during arguments. apparently some lawyers who have never argued there get quite flustered when he snores.

there was quite a stir a few months back when he woke up and actually asked a question (really, i'm serious. that never happens. scalia asks a million question, but thomas naps). but all snarkiness aside, the reason most people don't know that is that the press doesn't report on it. i probably wouldn't know it if i weren't a law student.

and though i don't think very much of him as a judge, i don't think his falling asleep is a big deal. at that level, the legal briefs filed make all the difference in a case. and in the very rare case he actually missed something important, the other justices will fill him in.

jazzycat said...

In my view any justice who would sleep during a session is being disrespectful of his office and people involved in the proceeding. I will Google your Thomas charge.

moleboy said...

well, we at least agree on the fact that justices should be awake.
the so called 'liberal media' is just a plain old myth, though.
(sort of like calling Fox News 'fair and balanced')

jazzycat said...

Glad you're back. As to the "liberal media", I guess it depends on what is, is. After watching 60 minutes review one liberal book after another leading up to the 04 election and then do the false document story while totally ignoring the swift boat veterans; I really don't think it is a myth.

Come back often and jazzycat will try to help you get de-programmed.

moleboy said...

If you honestly think that the media is biased towards liberals, maybe you should check these links out

Kosmix breaks results down by liberal and conservative. If you notice the counts, there are many times more conservative r4esults than liberal.
Next, if you continue to believe in this bias, perhaps you should ask yourself WHY such bias could possibly exist if the majority of americans are conservative?

jazzycat said...

If I were a journalist there is no way I could keep my conservative bias muted no matter how hard I tried. I do not think anyone can do that. They may think they can, but it is logically impossible. I have read statistics where 80-90% of journalist in America voted for Kerry. That is enough proof for me other than the obvious of listening to and reading their slanted news reports. I would recommend Bernie Goldberg’s book “Bias” which gets into the way the news is slanted. The selection of what to cover and what to ignore is one big factor in how things are slanted. The very political anti-capitalistic global warming issue is a primary example of this. Something that fits the global warming template will get much more coverage than something that doesn’t fit the template. Have you heard or read that the sun has been hotter the last 20 or so years? If the answer is no, then I rest my case. It certainly seems to have been left out of the debate by the MSM.

jazzycat said...

I forgot one further point.
The fact that the majority of Americans are conservative has no bearing on a relative small number of journalists. Now I would think there would be more conservative bloggers due to this fact, but not journalists. BTW the conservative bloggers are the reason the jig is up for the MSM.

moleboy said...

it seems logical to me to assume that any particular media would have a vested interest in appealing to the majority of people, causing its increase in sales.So are the media working against their best interests, which, at the core, is to make a buck?

Of course, statistics show that the less educated a person is, the more likely they are to be republican...

jazzycat said...


You said:
(Of course, statistics show that the less educated a person is, the more likely they are to be republican...)

Really, show me some of these statistics!
