Tuesday, February 28

Jazzy gives servant staff day off for photography trip

Cuffy and I have been fighting quite a bit lately and I believe our staff, WH and DH, has shown signs of disgust with us. Therefore, I decided to give them a day off from their servant duties. They gladly accepted and went on a little day trip for the purpose of working on a photography project. This really worked well for everyone concerned, as we were able to catch up on our sleep. Insomnia is not a feline problem, and with no disturbances other than guard dog Chief howling at sirens, we had a restful day. Our staff came back excited with their photos. So all is quite well as I have been meditating on my defense of reformed theology with the free grace theology people. I wish I could send in Dr. R.C. Sproul as a replacement for me in this debate.As ole Butch Cassidy said in that movie, who are those guys…. man they come at you with all they got. I admire that in them though.

1 comment:

webmaster said...

Hello WH!
Reading Sweet Jazzy from Winston-
Salem where I'm spending time with the rest of the M's.

Tell DH that some Christians of the past who ended up in the Lion's mouth were martyrs, but I'm not sure she qualifies since she works for the cat!
