I am one tired cat as my sleep time has been cut to about 19 hours a day. Therefore, today’s post, which is already late, will also be brief. I would like everyone who suffers from liberalism disorder to consider the following: The government’s handling of the Katrina disaster is a snapshot of how the Clinton nationalized health care plan would have worked. If you didn’t like that government response, then you wouldn’t like socialized health care or anything else.
While I think that the Clinton national health care plan is history, I'm not sure I see the parallel between that and the Katrina response. I believe that there must be a means to provide comprehensive health care to the majority of our citizens without it being a debacle on the level of the Katrina response. It won't be easy and it won't even under the best of circumstances, be perfect. But. Something's got to change. The latest estimate I saw recently is around 45 million people in this country have no medical insurance and no access to adequate, on going medical care.
The government response to Katrina was and continues to be a complete disaster. Literally billions have been spent, but much of it has been swallowed up with no apparent benefit to those suffering the loss of loved ones, their businesses and/or their homes. Just as with the billions that have gone missing in Iraq, there are always those who will take advantage of any situation to line their own pockets.
On another note, I am not chagrined about being in agreement with you on certain issues. We are, after all both adults who value life and love our country.
Just an observation regarding the circus masquerading as the Saddam Hussein trial: I think all concerned would best be served if someone would just put a loaded gun to that man's head and pull the trigger. Given that a number of supposedly "prosecution" witnesses have refused to point an accusing finger at their former leader, it is obvious that they have been intimidated into lying. Hussein may actually manage to walk out of this trial. What a mockery that would be.
I don't believe that we should have ever gotten into this war. But now that we are in it up to our necks, we have to find an acceptable means of getting out. Civil war is now a very real possiblity that could literally destroy all of our efforts their. The Iraqis are not a stable people. They are still largely influenced by essentially tribal factions which are bitterly opposed to each other. As heinous as Saddam was while in power, he did maintain a kind of stability in that region that is now dissolving into chaos. If the situation continues to go south, as it were, the US might just have to quietly slip out the back door, and leave it all to the various factions to slug it out. It would be ugly, to put it mildly, but I'm not sure we can keep a lid on the situation as it seems to be about to explode at our feet.
I think the parallel with government Katrina response and socialized medicine is that I think the government would make a total mess out of it and it would not matter if they were Democrats, Republicans, conservatives, or liberals. There are some solid ideas that would definitely help such as tort reform, insurance pools, incentives to get patients more involved in costs just to name a few. While I may not totally agree with the rest of your comment, they are sensible points and may end up being accurate.
I think the parallel with government Katrina response and socialized medicine is that I think the government would make a total mess out of it and it would not matter if they were Democrats, Republicans, conservatives, or liberals. There are some solid ideas that would definitely help such as tort reform, insurance pools, incentives to get patients more involved in costs just to name a few. While I may not totally agree with the rest of your comment, they are sensible points and may end up being accurate.
While I think that the Clinton national health care plan is history, I'm not sure I see the parallel between that and the Katrina response. I believe that there must be a means to provide comprehensive health care to the majority of our citizens without it being a debacle on the level of the Katrina response. It won't be easy and it won't even under the best of circumstances, be perfect. But. Something's got to change. The latest estimate I saw recently is around 45 million people in this country have no medical insurance and no access to adequate, on going medical care.
The government response to Katrina was and continues to be a complete disaster. Literally billions have been spent, but much of it has been swallowed up with no apparent benefit to those suffering the loss of loved ones, their businesses and/or their homes. Just as with the billions that have gone missing in Iraq, there are always those who will take advantage of any situation to line their own pockets.
On another note, I am not chagrined about being in agreement with you on certain issues. We are, after all both adults who value life and love our country.
Just an observation regarding the circus masquerading as the Saddam Hussein trial: I think all concerned would best be served if someone would just put a loaded gun to that man's head and pull the trigger. Given that a number of supposedly "prosecution" witnesses have refused to point an accusing finger at their former leader, it is obvious that they have been intimidated into lying. Hussein may actually manage to walk out of this trial. What a mockery that would be.
I don't believe that we should have ever gotten into this war. But now that we are in it up to our necks, we have to find an acceptable means of getting out. Civil war is now a very real possiblity that could literally destroy all of our efforts their. The Iraqis are not a stable people. They are still largely influenced by essentially tribal factions which are bitterly opposed to each other. As heinous as Saddam was while in power, he did maintain a kind of stability in that region that is now dissolving into chaos. If the situation continues to go south, as it were, the US might just have to quietly slip out the back door, and leave it all to the various factions to slug it out. It would be ugly, to put it mildly, but I'm not sure we can keep a lid on the situation as it seems to be about to explode at our feet.
Take care.
I think the parallel with government Katrina response and socialized medicine is that I think the government would make a total mess out of it and it would not matter if they were Democrats, Republicans, conservatives, or liberals. There are some solid ideas that would definitely help such as tort reform, insurance pools, incentives to get patients more involved in costs just to name a few. While I may not totally agree with the rest of your comment, they are sensible points and may end up being accurate.
I think the parallel with government Katrina response and socialized medicine is that I think the government would make a total mess out of it and it would not matter if they were Democrats, Republicans, conservatives, or liberals. There are some solid ideas that would definitely help such as tort reform, insurance pools, incentives to get patients more involved in costs just to name a few. While I may not totally agree with the rest of your comment, they are sensible points and may end up being accurate.
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