Romans 8:7
The rattlesnake in the above photo is hostile to humans and does not submit to human ethics and in fact cannot. It is at enmity with mankind and would need an entirely different nature to act as a domesticated animal. In a similar manner, the person who is in the flesh cannot submit to God’s law. Such a person is hostile to God and lacks the ability to submit to God because of their slavery to the power of sin. Such a person is spiritually dead with no hope apart from God’s saving grace. Therefore, as verse 2 pointed out, God through the quickening power of the Holy Spirit sets sinners free from the slavery of sin. This regenerating work of the Holy Spirit imparts spiritual life and a new nature into a sinner that enables them to set their minds on the things of the Spirit. What cannot be done for the rattlesnake, God does for lost sinners. Praise God for this grace.
Photo by son of W.H. on hunting trip to N.M.