Sunday, November 2

Caution Loons at work!

The global warming hysteria lunacy will soon begin to cost America in an extreme way if this government is handed over to democrats……………

Obama said in January, 2008:
”So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it's just that it will bankrupt them because they're going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted.”

Since 50% of our electricity is generated by coal, this is very serious. Oh, by the way these extremists do not want to use nuclear either. They want to rely on things that might be developed by and by. Instead of developing these things first and then doing an orderly transition, they want to press on full steam ahead.......

America, I know you are mad at George Bush, but do we really want to turn our prospertity and well being over to these LOONS!!!!!


mark pierson said...

Corporations should be seeking to clean up their contribution to polutants being dumped into the air and water, no question... but to bankrupt whole industries and cost people their jobs is the WRONG way to go about it.

jazzycat said...

Yes and we must remember that the global warming nuts consider carbon dioxide a pollutant. By their absurd logic humans are breathing out pollutants with every exhale.

To Obama, clean coal means adding no carbon dixoide to the atmosphere. Since carbon dioxide is released when coal is burned, these combustion gasses must be prevented from entering the atmosphere in order for coal to be clean.

Wouldn't it be nice if all the people who promote this lunacy would all reduce their personal carbon dioxide release to zero. Maybe Al Gore could demonstrate how it is done.....