Thursday, April 2

Romans 2:17-24

Romans 2:17-24 But if you call yourself a Jew and rely on the law and boast in God (18) and know his will and approve what is excellent, because you are instructed from the law; (19) and if you are sure that you yourself are a guide to the blind, a light to those who are in darkness, (20) an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of children, having in the law the embodiment of knowledge and truth—(21) you then who teach others, do you not teach yourself? While you preach against stealing, do you steal? (22) You who say that one must not commit adultery, do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you rob temples? (23) You who boast in the law dishonor God by breaking the law. (24) For, as it is written, “The name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.”

Paul, in this passage was speaking to the Jews who were relying on the law and boasting in God through their possession of the law. While they had a knowledge of the law and thought themselves righteous because they taught others the precepts of the law, they failed to confront the fact that they themselves broke the law. They were attempting to justify themselves before God, through the law, and considered themselves righteous before God by affirming and teaching the law. The fact that they didn’t obey the law perfectly was either not realized or deemed unimportant in their own eyes. In this passage, Paul is objecting and pointing out the error of their thinking. They had failed to be sanctified through law keeping for the purpose of justification, and Paul is giving them the bad news of their blaspheming God before Gentiles for dishonoring God by breaking the law.

Sanctification through law keeping for the motive of justification is guaranteed to be a 100% failing proposition. Yet, many people today think that law keeping for the purpose of sanctification is the proper way for a Christian to pursue sanctification. In this view, the law points a sinner to Christ to be saved by faith and Christ sends the regenerated Christian back to the law to be sanctified. Paul acknowledges the law is right and good later in Romans, but he goes on to assert that sanctification is through the Spirit of Christ and not the written code. Praise God that grace upon grace saves and also sanctifies sinners. Grace points sinners to Christ for salvation, and grace points Christians to Christ for sanctification.


mark pierson said...

Yes, Paul makes it clear that the law was to point people to Christ, period. Any Christian who thinks themselves not holy enough to claim salvation as their own has no concept of the grace that came through Christ. On the other hand any Christian who is satisfied with how they measure up to the law (which would require them to do some serious watering down of the severity of its demands) has taken their eyes off of Christ and their need for HIS righteousness in their lives. The Bottom line is that our eyes belong on Christ and only on Christ.

mark pierson said...

I'm gonna swipe this and bring it over to BC blog...

Shiloh Guy said...


I'll never understand why Christians want to bring the law back into the equation! Certainly Paul dealt with this question in his letter to the churches in Galatia! How can we be saved by grace and sanctified by our own efforts? The Spirit of God continues to convict us of sin and to urge us to Christlikeness. Thanks for your good thoughts.

jazzycat said...

Thanks for posting this at Bluecollar. I am glad you were able to recover the complete blog.

jazzycat said...

Thanks for the visit. It is encouraging to hear your view is like mine....

Maalie said...

>Grace points sinners to Christ for salvation, and grace points Christians to Christ for sanctification.

Is it true that those who have been saved know they have been saved?

jazzycat said...

You are asking about assurance of salvation. Some people struggle with that. John said he wrote the epistle of 1st John for Christians to know that they have eternal life. No one should have any doubt if they place their faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ!

Craver Vii said...

Hey, long time no see. I dropped by hoping I could by carbon credits for Earth Day. ;-)

jazzycat said...

Nice hearing from you. Yes, you can still purchase your carbon credits here, but I am not going to be able sell as many. I have been reading how we fat people are causing more global warming than slim people and I know it is just a matter of time before they hit me with a fat tax. I am afraid they may even implement a fat cat tax, and I will also pony up for Jazzy who is a bit heavy as well. Therefore, I am going to have to save some of the credits for myself and household.....
