Should Christians remain true to God's Word?
In a few short decades, our post-modern culture has changed its mores to the point of accepting as normal behavior things that were once considered abnormal and even illegal. These activities and behaviors have not only become accepted, the affirmation and approval of them is now considered politically correct and taught in many schools. Anyone who does not agree is in great danger of losing their jobs and being labeled with the one sin in our culture today that cannot be tolerated. This is the sin of failing to be tolerant. Tolerant is defined as: (Inclined to tolerate the beliefs, practices, or traits of others; forbearing). However, we now have a new redefined politically correct definition of tolerance. To be tolerant one must add to the above definition an agreement that the beliefs, practices, and traits of others is valid and correct. In short, we are called by the PC police to not only be tolerant, but also give approval if we are going to pass muster.
In the passage above, Paul mentions one sin that our culture today not only considers valid and normal, but it is even celebrated as something to be glorified. The change in opinion took little more than a decade with the entertainment and news media doing an about face and presenting with favor and acceptance what was once presented as a perversion. One only has to observe the way Hollywood has changed the way homosexuality is presented in order to see the difference. I could go on with the way that homosexuality has been favorably presented and promoted by Hollywood and the television industry, but that gets away from my main point.
Considering that calling many things sin that the Bible calls sin is now considered hate speech and could very likely become illegal in the United States, what do you believe should be the position of Christians? Should Christian conform to the world and possibly the law, or should they continue to practice Biblical Christianity? Many mainline protestant churches have already ceased to practice and preach Biblical Christianity. Therefore, there would be the argument from secular society that those who do practice Biblical Christianity are fundamentalist nuts. Actually, I believe that has already happen.
What are your views?