Saturday, June 30

Christianity 101- Part 4: Jesus

Jesus is the eternal infinite son of God as John revealed in John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The Word in this passage is referring to Jesus. In verse 14 we are told that the Word (Jesus) became flesh and dwelt among us. He was and is fully God and fully man and he entered history as a real historical person about 2000 years ago.

In the past few years there has been a lot of speculation on what would Jesus do in this or that situation. While this is good in keeping Jesus visible in an increasingly hostile culture, the far more important question is what did Jesus do when he came to earth as a man. In today’s culture we hear a lot about the teachings of Jesus and his love and compassion. He also healed the sick and lame and even raised the dead. While these acts are true and more proof of the deity of Christ, they are not the reason he came to earth. The reason he came to earth was to save his people from their sins….. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins (Matthew 1:21). John the Baptist said, "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29) To make atonement and redeem a people he had to be fully God, so as to give the atonement infinite value, and fully man to perfectly satisfy the requirements of God’s law, thus becoming an acceptable substitute for sinners. The atonement that Christ made for our sins has the power to save us from the righteous wrath of God and is infinitely the most important thing Jesus did while on earth. The resurrection of Jesus was the proof for this fact, as Paul states in Acts 17:31. The prophet Isaiah prophesized about this 700 years before it happened when he said in Isaiah 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

Jesus paid the penalty for the sins of those redeemed by his sacrifice on the cross of Calvary and He offers eternal life as a free gift. This is the amazing grace that we sing about. But how do humans gain access to this grace? Does everyone receive eternal life?

Next in Part 5 we will look at how man gains access to this grace.

This series first appeared at Bluecollar Blog!

Bluecollar Team Blog

Be sure and check out Bluecollar team Blog where Jazzycat and seven other contributors post articles and devotionals on a daily basis.......

Friday, June 29

Christianity 101- Part 3: Man

Man is a sinner due to his fallen nature. Scripture points this out beginning in Genesis and continuing through Revelation. Paul paints the picture extensively from Romans 1:18 through Romans 3:20 and empirical evidence confirms biblical teaching on the sinfulness of human beings. The Bible reveals there is no one righteous and that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). God’s standard of righteousness is perfection (Matthew 5:48) and not man’s erroneous worldly standard of being a basically good person. Perfection means that man cannot meet this standard and, as a result, man cannot save himself from the wrath of God by his good works (Romans 3:20 and Gal. 2:16). Since God does not grade on a curve, but on an absolute scale of perfection, being ‘basically good’ will not be sufficient on judgment day. Isaiah tells us that even man’s best works are like filthy rags before God (Isaiah 64:6).

In Luke 18:25-27 Jesus confirms that it is impossible for man to save himself, “For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God." Those who heard it said, "Then who can be saved?" But he said, "What is impossible with men is possible with God." In this passage Jesus not only states that it is impossible for men to save themselves, but also gives the fantastic news that God can solve the problem and save sinners. Romans 6:23 gives the bad news for sinners in the first part of the verse and the good news in the second half of the verse where it says, “but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

This is the great fantastic news of the gospel. But what about man’s sin that God must punish? Does God simply reduce the penalty? Do all men universally receive the gift of eternal life? What does Jesus Christ have to do with solving this dilemma?

Next in Part 4 we will look at how God solved the problem that men are incapable of solving.

This series first appeared at Bluecollar Blog

Wednesday, June 27

Christianity 101- Part 2: God

God has revealed much information about Himself and His creation in His Word, The Holy Bible. The Bible begins as follows: “In the beginning, God created.” God unilaterally created the world and everything in it is the message of the Old Testament. In the New Testament, Paul gave the men of Athens the same message (Acts 17:24). In this creation He chose to make human beings with a free will and the ability to choose good or evil.

God has revealed much about His attributes and His character in His Word. A major theme in Scripture is that God is all-powerful, sovereign, and in total control of His creation. The Bible has revealed many other things about God such as His holiness, love, mercy, truthfulness, faithfulness, justice, righteous anger, wrath and hatred of sin. Sin is basically disobeying God. God told the first humans that He took sin very seriously and gave them only one thing to obey. They were given a paradise and everything they could possibly need but were told they would surely die if they disobeyed this one rule. Everyone knows the story of what happened. They were tempted by Satan and disobeyed. While He loves mankind (1 John 4:8) and does not take pleasure in punishing us, He is a God of truth and justice and must punish sin (Romans 6:23). Therefore, God’s holiness meant He was true to His word and carried out the penalty of death exactly as He said He would. As a result of this sin, Adam and his posterity instantly died spiritually and physical death became the destiny of the human race. The earth became subject to bondage (Romans 8:20-22) and man was banished into the world to toil as a result. The fellowship that man had with God was severed because God takes His glory, honor and character very seriously.

Fortunately for mankind, God gave a glimpse of His mercy and love when He told Satan in (Genesis 3:15) “He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel." With that statement God hinted at a plan of redemption for the human race. As Biblical revelation unfolded, it became more and more clear that God did have a plan of redemption for mankind.

Next in Part 3 we will look at the character of man.

Tuesday, June 26

Christianity 101- Part 1: Atheist asks question.

The following post title appeared on an atheist’s blog: One possible way to convert us atheists. He started the post by asking this question. “What is a true Christian and is it possible for anyone to be a true Christian?”

Then he listed the things that it would take for a church to impress him enough to make him consider Christianity. Everything he listed had to do with doing good works, helping the poor, etc without any mention of sin, faith, atonement, worship, prayer, salvation and other gospel essentials. He concluded his view of how Christians should be conducting church by stating, “So, until I start seeing churches pop up that fit my model, I’m not having anything to do with religion or God.” It is interesting that he uses the phrase, “until I start seeing” in his summary statement and then demands churches fit his model. Most atheist bloggers that I have visited are people that hold to a liberal secular post-modern world-view and are very critical of Christian or other world-views. His model of church fits his world-view and his god would necessarily have to be one created in his image.

Since it is obvious this particular atheist does not see or have a clue about the gospel of Jesus Christ, I am going to do a few posts on his question asking what is a true Christian. I will call this series Christianity 101. I will attempt to give a basic uncomplicated presentation of the gospel message for anyone that does not know the gospel or possibly has a wrong understanding of the gospel.

For starters, Christianity recognizes only two kinds of people in the world and they are Christians and non-Christians. If a person is not a true Christian, then he is not Christian period. Many of the non-Christians in the world will become Christians before they die, but no Christian will become a non-Christian. Those people that die as Christians will be saved and the rest will die un-saved. We know that some people will remain blind and will never see, but humans have no way of knowing where God will give grace and enable, through divine power, spiritually blind people to see. Therefore, we are to take the gospel to the entire world as Jesus commanded and present the gospel to everyone. The photo above shows a bride that needs and hopes for true love. The bride of Christ requires and will consist of true Christians that will be gathered from every tongue and tribe in the world. Later in this series, the definition of a true Christian will be given.

Next in Part 2 we will take a look at power and character of God.

This series first appeared at Bluecollar Blog

Bluecollar Team Blog

There are some great discussions in progress over at Bluecollar team blog

Saturday, June 23

Eternal Security

John 6:47 Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes has eternal life.

Many single verses have great truths for believers. It is important to identify and rest on the truth found in a verse without reading something into it that is not there. John 6:47 is one of those verses. What truths can be gleaned from John 6:47?

Here are some of the basic truths from this verse:
1. When Jesus says truly, truly or verily, verily then this is a truth that can be depended on and is important.
2. “whoever believes” means there are no gender, racial, or any other restrictions on the kind of people that may be included. It does not speak to man’s ability to come to faith. It does not affirm ability to believe or deny it.
3. “whoever believes has eternal life” means that anyone that believes has eternal life. Eternal life is a done deal for whoever believes.

Truths one and two are complete and really need no more information. However, the truth in #3 does not explain what is to be believed. For example: Believing that Jesus was just a great teacher without believing that he was God and died an atoning death for sinners does not satisfy what is to be believed to have eternal life. It would satisfy believing a historical fact about Jesus and that Jesus lived, but it would be worthless for redemption. One must look elsewhere in John and Scripture to get the information that must be believed in order to secure eternal life. John in context and other Scriptures make it clear that trusting through faith alone in God’s only begotten son, Jesus Christ, for dying on the cross and paying the sin debt for sinners and rising from the dead to purchase eternal life is what is to be believed. This information is not hidden and easily found, but John 6:47 does not give this information. To assert that John 6:47 gives all the information one needs for salvation is misleading.

This verse is sometimes used as a proof against predestination and for man’s ability to come to salvation apart from the effectual call. However, it is neutral on this doctrine. It is silent on man’s ability to come to faith on his own without God doing a work in their heart. Just like John 3:16, it neither confirms or denies predestination. There are verses in John 6 that speak to this point, but verse 47 merely gives an external call.

While this verse does not give all of the information about what is to be believed, it gives conclusive proof for eternal security or what is also called perseverance of the saints. Therefore, the great truth that this verse contains is eternal security. Whether you call it eternal security or perseverance of the saints, John 6:47 confirms that eternal life is a present possession of those that believe at the moment of belief. Salvations cannot be lost. Again this verse does not give the details, but elsewhere in Scripture we learn that eternal security is a work of God. God through the work of the Holy Spirit makes spiritually dead people alive and enables them to respond in faith with repentance and sanctification. God does it all and he is 100% successful. John 6:47 gives us a great truth, but it does not give the whole story of redemption.

Friday, June 22

Grace is Irresistible

John 6:37: All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out.

In the photo above, Jazzycat is chasing a squirrel even though she has an all you can eat buffet available 24/7. The desire to chase this squirrel is irresistible because of her God given predator nature. There are several truths in John 6:37, including the eternal security of believers and election. However, let’s focus on the first half of this verse where Jesus states: “All that the Father gives me will come to me.” We know that all human beings do not believe and come to Christ and, from verse 35, we know that coming to Christ has the same meaning as believing in Christ. Those that believe in Christ and come to Christ have eternal life. Therefore, the Father gives Jesus people who will come and receive eternal life, and all (100%) will come. The inescapable conclusion is that God intervenes and plants an irresistible desire for some to come and believe, but He does not plant this desire in everyone. If it were not irresistible, then it would not be 100% effective. If it is 100% effective, then some do not receive this desire to come. Therefore, this intervention implants a saving grace that is irresistible and that is why Jesus said, “All that the Father gives to me will come to me.” Irresistible grace gives a sinner an irresistible desire to willingly come to faith in Jesus Christ. This grace is imparted during regeneration and that is why Jesus said, “You must be born again” (John 3:3) and Paul said that faith is a gift (Eph. 2:8). Just like Jazzycat has a God given nature and a desire to willingly be a predator, a born again sinner has a God given new nature and a desire to willingly come to faith in Jesus Christ.

Grace does more than make salvation possible: it actually saves sinners. Amazing grace. If God gives His grace to bring sinners to faith, it is logical that grace will carry them home (Romans 8:30).

This is part four of five parts of a series that originally ran at Bluecollar Team Blog on the doctrines of grace.

Thursday, June 21

Particular Redemption

Matthew 20:28 even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

The photo above shows a barely noticeable scar from a smallpox vaccination from many years ago. With advances in medicine we have more and more vaccines to protect us from all kinds of diseases. Since humans have no way of knowing who will be exposed to these various diseases, we attempt to vaccinate all that we possibly can. If human beings possessed the foreknowledge that God has, we would need to vaccinate only those who would actually be exposed to the disease. With this same foreknowledge, Jesus gave his life for the many that his atonement redeemed and them only.

Since God does have this foreknowledge of exactly who will be redeemed by the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit, the verse above indicates that Jesus Christ came to the earth to serve and to give his life as a ransom for the many who are saved by the atonement of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary. Everyone agrees that the atonement of Jesus Christ is of infinite value and sufficient to save an infinite number of people. Some argue that Christ died for everyone. In this view, the atonement makes salvation possible for everyone, but actually saves no one. This, the Arminian view, limits the power or effectiveness of the atonement by leaving salvation up to human decision. This view leaves open the possibility of no one being saved and Jesus dying in vain. The reformed view does not limit the power as it holds that all that Christ died for (the many in Mt. 20:28) will be saved. This view limits the extent of the atonement by affirming that Christ died for only those that God chose before the foundation of the world. Jesus in the high priestly prayer said, “John 17:9 I am praying for them. I am not praying for the world but for those whom you have given me, for they are yours.” After reading this entire prayer in John 17, it is hard to believe that the atonement of Jesus was meant for anyone other than those redeemed by faith in his sacrificial death on the cross.

In Mt. 20:28 above Jesus died for the ‘many’. This either refers to believers only or everyone that has ever lived. Since the passage speaks of his death providing a ransom (redemption) for the many, this passage teaches universalism if the ‘many’ includes everyone that has ever lived. Therefore, since Scripture clearly does not teach universalism, this passage teaches that the atonement of Jesus was for believers only. This is referred to as limited atonement or particular redemption.

Praise God that Jesus’ atonement on the cross saves sinners. Jesus saved all the sinners he intended to save (John 6:37) and that is everyone that place their faith in him for paying their sin debt on the cross.

Wednesday, June 20

Unconditional election

Ephesians 1:3-6 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved.

On the the previous post, we looked at how Scripture teaches that fallen man has an inability to seek God. Therefore, if man cannot in and of himself seek God as Romans 3:10-11 indicates, then no one would have eternal life unless God does something. Praise God that he does intervene and do something. That something God does, as John 6:37 reveals, is give an irresistible grace that flows from regeneration. The new life of regeneration enables a sinner to willingly and eagerly come to saving faith in Jesus Christ.

When the dots of these doctrines are connected, the inescapable conclusion is that God chooses, or elects, some to receive the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit. All are invited and nobody is turned away, but unless God enables sinners to come and receive the free gift of eternal life, nobody will respond (John 6:65). However, the Bible does more than leave election as a conclusion drawn from other doctrines as it plainly states that God’s sovereign election is the only way to salvation. Ephesians 1:3-6, shown above, states that some sinners are chosen by God and are predestined to be adopted as sons of God. Amazingly, this passage reveals that sinners were chosen before the foundation of the world. A close look at this passage, as well as other passages such as Romans 8:29-30 & Ephesians 2:1-5, makes it clear that God does everything and man does nothing. Salvation is totally a gift of God’s grace as God gives everything required for salvation to the sinner. That is why the Bible says that even the faith to believe is a gift (Ephesians 2:8). Since those elected by God do not provide anything for their salvation, this election is an unconditional election. God’s election is not based on any merit or works in the sinner, whatsoever, which eliminates all boasting (Ephesians 2:9). If a sinner believes he brings anything (even faith) to the salvation table, then he has a reason to boast.

This doctrine is referred to as Calvinism and critics often attack it as if it were a figment of John Calvin’s imagination. However, this doctrine is a Biblical doctrine based on solid Biblical passages. Praise God that he makes it possible for sinners to receive eternal life by providing all that is needed for salvation. If he didn’t do it all, then nobody would be saved and that is the bottom line.

This is part two of five parts of a series that originally ran at Bluecollar Team Blog on the doctrines of grace.

Tuesday, June 19

Total Inability

Romans 3:10-11 as it is written: "None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God.

When a sinner seeks God and comes to place his faith and trust in the person and work of Jesus Christ, this person receives the free gift of eternal life. In Romans 3:10-11, Paul is stating unequivocally that no one seeks God. That means 0.0% of sinners seek God on their own. In Romans 8:8 Paul even says it is impossible for sinners to please God, which would certainly include seeking God. Jesus says it is impossible for sinners to seek God unless God has enabled them (John 6:65). Paul refers to this condition as being dead in sin (Eph. 2:1). He means that sinners are not just seriously ill, but they are dead to spiritual concerns such as seeking God in and of themselves.

Therefore, it is evident that man is unable to come to salvation unless God does something. Man has a total inability in and of himself to seek or come to God unless God intervenes. The cat (Jazzy's sister Cuffy) in the above picture may appear to be reading the book, but she does not have the ability to do so. She may as well be blind as far as reading and understanding anything in the book. Sinners are also blind to the things of God because they are spiritually dead and must be quickened by the power of God to new life before they can respond in any way. This quickening power of God is called grace, and it is irresistible as John 6:37 points out.

Conclusion: Nobody seeks God in and of themselves because they are dead in sin and unable to respond unless God intervenes. This intervention is called grace and is applied by the Holy Spirit.

Praise God that he does not leave sinners in their hopeless condition of total inability.

This is part one of five parts of a series that originally ran at Bluecollar Team Blog on the doctrines of grace.

Psalm 23 Photo Devotionals

1. Psalm 23 verse 1

2. Psalm 23 verse 2

3. Psalm 23 verse 3

4. Psalm 23 verse 4

5. Psalm 23 verse 5

6. Psalm 23 verse 6


Friday, June 15

Romans 3:31 (The good news)

Romans 3:31 Do we then overthrow the law by this faith? By no means! On the contrary, we uphold the law.

After making an emphatic case that justification (being saved) is by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone, Paul asks if we should toss the law overboard. His answer is an equally emphatic by no means. God’s righteous law is the standard by which godliness and righteousness can be measured, and humans are not able to meet this standard of perfection that is required. Praise God that Jesus Christ met these standards for all who place their faith in Him and his work on the cross of Calvary. Men can, therefore, be counted as righteous because of Christ. Through the Holy Spirit and regeneration, men are saved from their sin and not left to wallow helplessly in it. In the New Covenant the law has been restated by Jesus and the Apostles and saved sinners are enabled by the Holy Spirit to participate in their own sanctification. Believers are not perfect in this endeavor and fail often, but over time they progress toward a goal of more and more actual righteousness. They have a desire for progress and that is why Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled.”

Jesus and the Apostles taught ethics and principles that have the law as a foundation. Christians aspire to be conformed to these ethics and principles. They do it due to a new attitude that is derived from the heart of flesh that was given to them when the Holy Spirit quickened them from spiritual death to life. Do Christians overthrow the law because it condemns and cannot save? No, they love the law because it is the perfect standard of righteousness that they hunger and thirst to achieve.

Praise God that believers are being conformed to the image of Christ during their sanctification and at death this conformity is made perfect as believers are glorified.

Wednesday, June 13

Romans 3:29-30 (The good news)

Romans 3:29-30 Or is God the God of Jews only? Is he not the God of Gentiles also? Yes, of Gentiles also, 30since God is one. He will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through faith.

Paul is pointing to one, and only one, way to salvation for all people. Both Jews and Gentiles are saved through faith alone. In the book of Romans, Paul explains over and over that there is only one people of God and they are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. The covenant promise is for the elect, and the elect are the true Israel of God. The true Israel of God is the elect remnant of ethnic Israel and the elect of the Gentiles from every tongue and tribe in the world. The non-believers of ethnic Israel and the non-believers of Gentiles are in the same boat of being unsaved. There are no spiritual covenants that include entire nations, and there are no spiritual covenants that necessarily include entire family or church groups. God saves individuals and not groups or nations.

One promise, one people, one means of salvation, one destiny. There are no other roads to the mountaintop and no other means that men can be made right with God. God has provided the way to be saved from his holy and righteous wrath, and all the ways that men may devise or imagine are simply worthless.

Praise God that he provided one way for human beings to have eternal life. How ludicrous it is for anyone to complain that God does not accept the false Gods of their imagination.

Saturday, June 9

Romans 3:27-28 (The good news)

Romans 3:27-28 Then what becomes of our boasting? It is excluded. By what kind of law? By a law of works? No, but by the law of faith. 28For we hold that one is justified by faith apart from works of the law.

At the Neshoba County Fair, boasting is the order of the day when politicians begin justifying why they should be elected to the various state offices. During the campaigning period, candidates offer their qualifications of experience, education, honesty, etc. as the reasons they should be judged worthy to hold the office that they seek. On Election Day candidates are judged by the voters as to their fitness to hold office. The winners rejoice, have victory parties, and boast even more of having gotten their message out. This strategy of boasting is also used in many other endeavors of American life as people strive to succeed and get ahead. Many are honest about their qualifications, abilities, and the products they sell which is good and the way a perfect temporal world should operate.

But, Paul emphatically explains in this passage that boasting is excluded in spiritual matters concerning salvation. Works of the law or one’s deeds of service do not count toward justification. Man is justified (saved) by faith apart from works. Faith plus works, faith plus baptism, or faith plus anything does not work together to save sinners. Sinners are saved by faith alone, and even that faith is a gift of God (Eph. 2:8). If sinners contributed anything to their salvation, then boasting would be possible. However, sinners do not provide anything and God provides everything in salvation, which excludes boasting.

Praise God that He saves sinners completely.

Wednesday, June 6

Romans 3:25b-26 (The good news)

Romans 25b-26 This was to show God's righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins. 26It was to show his righteousness at the present time, so that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.

God, in His divine patience and forbearance, waited until the incarnation of Jesus to pour out his righteous wrath upon the sins of all the redeemed from the Old Testament era. God carried out his divine justice against the sin of the redeemed on the cross of Calvary by pouring out his wrath on Jesus. By being fully God, the atonement of Jesus had infinite value which is sufficient to cover all the sins of all the redeemed that will ever live. By being fully man and perfect in every way, he was able to qualify as a substitute for all humans that cling through faith to the work and person of Jesus Christ. Therefore, God is righteous, just, and holy by punishing sin as he stated he would do, and He is also the justifier of all who claim Jesus as their Lord and savior through faith. Sin is punished, sinners are saved, God’s love and mercy are displayed, and God is glorified.

A college World Series berth was riding on whether the umpire in the above photo called this runner safe or out at home. On judgment day, God will call every human being that ever lived either safe or out. Those that are found in Christ Jesus through faith will be safe at home. Everyone else will be out and no instant replays will be needed. Many in the group that are called out will claim all kinds of religious responses to God, and some will even claim to be followers of Christ by virtue of their deeds and works.

Praise God that being safe at home is a free gift of God to all that have faith in what Jesus accomplished on the cross rather than having faith in their own deeds. Eternal life waits for all that are safe at home. I would urge you to accept God’s free gift of eternal life and place your faith and trust in Jesus Christ alone. There is no other way. Being called out at home will not be a pleasant experience on judgment day.

Christianity 101

Christianity 101 index

Christianity 101 - Part 1: Atheist asks question.

Christianity 101 - Part 2: God

Christianity 101 - Part 3: Man

Christianity 101 - Part 4: Jesus

Christianity 101 - Part 5: Saving Faith

Christianity 101 - Part 6: Sanctification and Discipleship

Sunday, June 3

Romans 3:22b-25a (The good news)

Romans 3:22b-25A For there is no distinction: for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith.

Paul makes clear that salvation comes by grace that God gives as a free gift. This gift is bought and paid for by the redemption that Christ Jesus secured on the cross of Calvary. God satisfied his righteous wrath by making his own son, who had no sin, pay the penalty for the sins of the redeemed. Just as God had done in the garden by providing covering for Adam and Eve, he covered the sins of his people by providing a blood sacrifice. God will not allow His character to be violated and so sin has to be punished. Thank God that his amazing grace provided a lamb without blemish to pay the debt that sinners cannot pay. Jesus paid it all and, through faith in His atonement, the blood of the Lamb redeems sinners.

Sin, God, wrath, penalty, Jesus Christ, atonement, redemption, justification, propitiation, grace, faith, gift, eternal life…… When the dots of all these doctrines are connected, it is clear that Jesus Christ saves sinners that believe and have faith that He died on the cross to pay the penalty for their sins.

Have you placed your faith in Jesus to cover your sins or are you going to make your own arrangements on judgment day? Choose wisely.