Romans 8:32
If God gave his own son for sinners to secure the only way to salvation, then how could He not graciously give all things to those that he has called? This passage brings into perspective the seriousness of sin to our Holy God. If the only way to reconciliation was for the Son of God to suffer the torments of the crucifixion, then human sin is extremely serious to Almighty God. However, God not only provided the solution in Christ, He also graciously gives us all things.
Although God provides showers of physical blessings in this world, the truly important blessings He provides are spiritual blessings such as peace, patience, joy, love, kindness, goodness, self-control and the like. These are the important and lasting things that are enduring and truly satisfy the yearnings of the soul. Our hearts can never find rest in material wealth, but God does give rest and contentment to those who are in Christ.
The photo above shows a picture of a boxed-in area off from the main street in Telluride where people can leave or take anything they want. It is called a free box and this verse reminds me that God has given the children of God a spiritual free box that is never empty. Have you received the spiritual gifts that are available in God’s free box?
Praise God that while rust may claim our material wealth and death will claim our physical bodies, He destroyed the sting of death by piling grace on top of grace.