Tuesday, June 26

Christianity 101- Part 1: Atheist asks question.

The following post title appeared on an atheist’s blog: One possible way to convert us atheists. He started the post by asking this question. “What is a true Christian and is it possible for anyone to be a true Christian?”

Then he listed the things that it would take for a church to impress him enough to make him consider Christianity. Everything he listed had to do with doing good works, helping the poor, etc without any mention of sin, faith, atonement, worship, prayer, salvation and other gospel essentials. He concluded his view of how Christians should be conducting church by stating, “So, until I start seeing churches pop up that fit my model, I’m not having anything to do with religion or God.” It is interesting that he uses the phrase, “until I start seeing” in his summary statement and then demands churches fit his model. Most atheist bloggers that I have visited are people that hold to a liberal secular post-modern world-view and are very critical of Christian or other world-views. His model of church fits his world-view and his god would necessarily have to be one created in his image.

Since it is obvious this particular atheist does not see or have a clue about the gospel of Jesus Christ, I am going to do a few posts on his question asking what is a true Christian. I will call this series Christianity 101. I will attempt to give a basic uncomplicated presentation of the gospel message for anyone that does not know the gospel or possibly has a wrong understanding of the gospel.

For starters, Christianity recognizes only two kinds of people in the world and they are Christians and non-Christians. If a person is not a true Christian, then he is not Christian period. Many of the non-Christians in the world will become Christians before they die, but no Christian will become a non-Christian. Those people that die as Christians will be saved and the rest will die un-saved. We know that some people will remain blind and will never see, but humans have no way of knowing where God will give grace and enable, through divine power, spiritually blind people to see. Therefore, we are to take the gospel to the entire world as Jesus commanded and present the gospel to everyone. The photo above shows a bride that needs and hopes for true love. The bride of Christ requires and will consist of true Christians that will be gathered from every tongue and tribe in the world. Later in this series, the definition of a true Christian will be given.

Next in Part 2 we will take a look at power and character of God.

This series first appeared at Bluecollar Blog


donsands said...

"but no Christian will become a non-Christian."

I went to Holiness Pentecostal Church that thought this truth was of the devil.

But what a truth it is! This truth grants the genuine believer in Christ peace that passeth all understanding, and joy unspeakable, because of the love of such a Savior.

Craver Vii said...

I'm thinking of those churches that are works-focused. First, one must have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and THEN the fruit of the Spirit will become evident. Too many are expecting that if someone mimics the fruit, that they will have the Spirit. Not all who call themselves Christians really are.

jazzycat said...

Thanks. Those that believe in losing there salvation are zealous to be sure....

"Too many are expecting that if someone mimics the fruit, that they will have the Spirit. Not all who call themselves Christians really are."

Well said. I wish I had said it like that....

Even So... said...

False fruit is abundant indeed, perhaps we can call it common grace, but it is not saving grace...

Anonymous said...

If only the atheist would know that no Christian will ever produce fruit or works on his/her own. What is impossible (total adherence to the Law and even the commands of Jesus) is possible ONLY with God.
"the fool says in his heart, there is no God."
Very sad.